The 0.2.0 version of the discord text RPG is here!
This release contains the following features:
- Player state via active and passive state machine with state-dependant actions, visibility and requirements
- Conditional events
- Action visibility
- Equipped items as action requirements
- Discord bot admin console with prefix and channel setting
- 2 new NPCs
- 1 new item
- 1 new location
- The first questline: first three parts of the tutorial
- Journal action, merged skills and stats action
- Other minor tweaks
The most important added feature are the quests and dialogue mechanics - with a small part of the tutorial, that shows the player around and will be the introduction to a bigger world.
And the discord bot configuration is much more powerful - including configuration via the bot itself by server admin or selected role - which brings this project closer to having more publicly avaliable tests.
Finally, a concept of an ACII-art logo:
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