Projects I took part in, focused on scientific research.
- ACERAC - A new deep reinforcement learning algorithm that utilises action autocorrelation [code] [article]
Some of the projects I created and develop in my spare time.
- Discord Text RPG - A multiplayer text RPG engine meant for discord communicator [code] (First release coming soon)
Notable projects I took part in as part of courses at the Warsaw University of Technology.
- WhatTheFood, a numpy-based neural network framework and YOLO-based object detection network [code]
- ShoppingM8, a mobile app for shared shopping lists [code]
- Multi Agent Market, a framework for simulations of a single-resource single-currency market as a multiagent program [code]
- Return of the Neighbouts, KNN and K+NN clustering method utilising triangle inequality to improve performance, written in C++ with Python bindings [code]
- Cat Wars, the game of dots with minimax-based computer opponent [code]